Tuesday, November 11, 2008

vicky cristina barcelona

Just returned this evening from the Bear's Tooth and saw the newest Woody Allen film, Vicky Cristina Barcelona. About this time of year, I am dying for color, movement and culture and this film hit home and satisfied my thirst for another place. It is a story about relationships and really a remake of all of Allen's old characters contemporized and platformed in Europe.

I remember my hitchhiking days from the late seventies. I traveled from Paris to Barcelona with a fellow companion. We wound up staying the week-end at a Spaniard's home we didn't know......of course we partied and carried on.....So, maybe the film hit a familiar chord. It was a light film, but at the same time I felt it carried many truths and the imaginary wondering that we all possess. It is tragic and funny; at the same time putting life at reckless abandon and making me feel that where we are is where we are suppose to be.

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