I am a visual artist and educator. When I am not teaching, doing nature jaunts, and traveling to exotic places, I am usually in my studio trying to make insightful artworks. This activity is an intellectual exchange and I find it very challenging and complex. Hopefully, I plan on doing some relief work overseas with my husband sometime in the near future.
This is a painting that I quickly snapped while at the Francis Bacon Retrospective at the Met. (I couldn't figure out why I wasn't allowed to take pictures during this exhibit but you can at the permanent collection of paintings - Monet, Gauguin, and Van Gogh to name a few.......?) Bacon paints a pretty grim picture of the human condition; twisted bodies, anguished torsos and screaming faces of high anxiety are just some themes to mention. His work is disturbing and successful. There is also a video that shows him in a noisy bar scene in London, his messy studio arrangement, and it takes you on his painted warped view of life. The film was great and I picked it up at our local Loussac Library for free.
While walking the Chelsea art streets in NY, I came across some interesting signage. I took my time and was able to really look and observe what was around me on the streets of NY which is often exciting and filled with a continual buzz. Sometimes these street expressions are better than the art work that I experience in the traditional gallery settings. This was posted on a wall along the gallery row streets and below you can read the fine print. It paints a pretty bad picture of what an artist does and what an artist is, but I think this is the scenario of what some artists think about themselves and experience as a young working professional. Perhaps this artist came to America to find a name for themselves? And it looks that they became very disappointed and disenchanted with their artistic endeavors? Perhaps this artist is in need of a better perspective?
Also, posted on the streets was this sign shown below that I thought more provocative and interesting. It looks to me that someone is angry and someone is not getting want they want.
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