Thursday, May 29, 2008

bien francais

Pictured above is our herb garden filled with basil, mint, chives, dill and oregano. In another part of the yard we planted rhubarb - which by the way, takes two years to harvest, and hopefully the rabbits won't nab our strawberries this year. Our starter flower plants were all put in the soil. I also pulled out Voltaire's Candide to resuscitate my French. Voltaire uses the garden to symbolize the good life by cultivating and nurturing through this activity.

Through an inter library request I tried to rent the movie, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly directed by Julian Schnabel, (a controversial NY painter) but received Jean Dominque Bauby's short memoir instead and rather enjoyed his first hand account of his last days in a hospital located in Berck, France. It is poetic and meditative. Bauby, the editor of French Elle suffered from a stroke which left him completely paralyzed but for one eye. Schnabel also directed Basquiat and Before Night Falls, both art flicks and both done very well.

1 comment:

bikegirl said...

Just saw "Diving Bell." Beautiful - I should think of this film more often when I need to be more patient, more conscious. Must read the book.